I just licensed this image to the Toronto Star... it should appear on about page 3 or 4 of this Friday's issue. When I saw them at the Yellowknife Canada Day celebrations I knew there were very few pictures of them together.. so I just had to grab the image...
©2009 George Lessard
To call your attention to interesting photography related on the web... and to show off some of my photographic work... is there another reason for a blog?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
NWT Premier Floyd Roland & Patricia Russell
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Case of the Inappropriate Alarm Clock - a series on 1930s photography and photo-fakery.
Part six in a series on 1930s photography and photo-fakery.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
29 Graffiti Tutorials using Photoshop/Illustrator

Photoshop is truly a boon for artists in present scenario, as it not only paints their imagination in multitude of colors but also refine them to create some of the most striking graphics. With various Text and layers, Photoshop incorporates superb effects in graphics, which make them just wonderful. To make you more competent with these tools, a special set of 32 Graffiti tutorials using Photoshop/Illustrator isoffered for you. Just read on to know more-
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rappel : cours digital de photo de CTNO Reminder: Session two of my CTNO digital photo course
se réunira au parking d'Ecolle Alain St-Cyr...
Samedi 9 : 30 AM
Rappelez-vous de s'habiller pour le temps !
Session two of my CTNO digital photo course will meet
at the Ecolle Alain St-Cyr parking lot
Saturday 9:30 AM
Remember to dress for the weather!
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
Spécialiste en l'information, communications et medias
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
E-mail: mediamentor@gmail.com
".... In the last 3 yrs ... . I've seen more Northerners than most people have in a lifetime ..."
SKYPE: themediamentor
Home Pages: http://mediamentor.ca
My panoramic images
My YouTube:
Photos: http://photosbygeorge.notlong.com
Photo Illustrations: http://www.flickr.com/photos/george-lessard/sets/72157603627797568/
Etcetera: http://www.flickr.com/photos/george-lessard/sets/459582/
Bookmarks: http://del.icio.us/themediamentor
Canadian Association of Journalists http://www.caj.ca
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes http://www.carfac.ca/
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective http://www.carcc.ca/
OPEN MEETING of the Frozen Eyes Photographic Society, Yellowknife
Date: 2009/10/16
Monday, October 26th, 7:30 p.m.
Bromley building, third floor, Franklin Ave, Yellowknife
Several matters were discussed at last night's meeting. One is that some feel Frozen Eyes is not providing enough for local members. One of the major purposes is for photographic education for youth in the North. Logistically it is also the most difficult to organize and for that reason, plus the better weather of summer, that this area has been concentrated on first. We enjoyed great success with the projects this summer and have been approached to have similar sessions by other communities.
Mention was made of Darwin Wigget being brought to Yellowknife to teach a course. I did approach Daren on behalf of the Society and received no response. It is my understanding that the gentleman that did organize Darwin's trip here had a great deal of initial difficulty in finding sufficient people to make the costs affordable. Many professional photographers make a good part of their living teaching or offering courses, they are not difficult to find. The difficulty for the Society is determining what skills people would like brought up. We need feedback for that.
We also have a wealth of knowledge in the skills of members of the Society. It would be great if various members were prepared to offer a course in a strength they have. Not only would the fee benefit the individual, it would offer us all the ability to expand skills and also members of the public that might be interested without the expense of bringing in somebody from the south.
While courses are all well and fine, there is no substitute for improving skills like shooting, shooting, shooting. While organizing a group of photographers is more difficult than herding cats, it would be nice to organize field trips as a learning experience, the companionship and the dangers of our local environment. During a shoot at Cameron Falls this summer I had an active critic in a wandering black bear.
It was voted on last night to have an exhibition of student, and possibly, mentor work to be shown at the Lens Factory in Toronto one of the better rated photographic galleries in that city. Rather than charge commission they work on a flat rate. Through venues such as this it is hoped not only to promote the Society to a wider audience but gain some recognition for photography in the North.
The YK Photo Club died due to lack of interest, or rather the individual who organized it felt worn out by having to do most of the work. Frozen Eyes presents a unique opportunity in that we have excellent resources in terms of member skills and equipment. For this reason the meeting on the 26th will be a brainstorming session in which you, and anybody you know that may be interested in photography, should attend. If the Society is to offer local photographers better resources it can only be accomplished by knowing their needs.
I would encourage you to attend this meeting and make your views known.
David Prichard
Acting President
Frozen Eyes Photographic Society
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
E-mail: mediamentor@gmail.com
".... In the last 3 yrs ... . I've seen more Northerners than most people have in a lifetime ..."
SKYPE: themediamentor
Home Pages: http://mediamentor.ca
My panoramic images
My YouTube:
Photos: http://photosbygeorge.notlong.com
Photo Illustrations: http://www.flickr.com/photos/george-lessard/sets/72157603627797568/
Etcetera: http://www.flickr.com/photos/george-lessard/sets/459582/
Bookmarks: http://del.icio.us/themediamentor
Canadian Association of Journalists http://www.caj.ca
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes http://www.carfac.ca/
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective http://www.carcc.ca/
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Polaroid Camera To Be Relaunched In 2010 (PHOTOS, POLL)
Polaroid Camera To Be Relaunched In 2010 (PHOTOS, POLL)

Hipsters, photo-classicists, and impatient picture-snappers everywhere rejoice: Polaroid Cameras are making a comeback.
After announcing that Polaroid cameras (and film) were being discontinued, Polapremium has announced that they are "preparing, supporting and managing the comeback of Instant Photography."
The beleaguered company seems finally to have understood the charm -- and kitsch-appeal -- of its clunky, boxy devices. Polapremium wrote in its press release,
After all the difficulties and changes of ownership during the last years, the new management of Polaroid now understands the source of the brand's attraction - which is surprisingly not based in digital cameras but in Dr. Edwin Land's groundbreaking 1948 invention of Instant Photography, which he ingeniously devised and passionately developed with a lot of care and devotion.
Polaroid cameras and film (both color and black-and-white) should go on sale in mid 2010. A new digital Polaroid will also be on the market.
Read more at:
Friday, October 09, 2009
Have you seen a truly awful piece of Photoshop work? Clumsy manipulation, senseless comping, lazy cloning and thoughtless retouching are our bread and butter. And yes, deep down, we love Photoshop.
If it is commercial and awful then please let us know! Anonymity can be arranged for the easily embarrassed/canned.
Olympics warns man about sharing photos on Flickr
The International Olympic Committee sent a cease-and-desist letter to Richard Giles, 38, after discovering his images from his three-week solo trip to China for the 2008 Beijing Games on the popular online photo-sharing site Flickr, where he was allowing other people to use them as they wished.
The letter marks the first time the IOC – whose website calls it the "supreme authority of the Olympic Movement" – has moved to protect its image on a social media site.
"Images of the Games taken by you may not be used for any purposes other than private, which does not include licensing of the pictures to third parties," said the notice sent via email on Tuesday and signed by Howard Stupp, director of legal affairs at the IOC.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
George Lessard's photo exhibition at the Association franco-culturelle de Yellowknife

George Lessard's photo exhibition at the Association franco-culturelle de Yellowknife, originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.
My photo exhibition running all October of 2009 at the Association franco-culturelle de Yellowknife (AFCY) 5016, 48e rue Yellowknife (Territoires du Nord-Ouest) X1A 2P2 Canada Tél. : (867) 873-3292 Bureau Téléc. : (867) 873-2158 http://afcy.info More of my photos can be seen at My large format panoramic images can be seen at http://panoramas-by-george.notlong.com and my regular photos are at http://photosbygeorge.notlong.com
2010 Winter Games Globe & Mail contest for amateur writers and photographers
According to to a press release about the contest:
"Amateur writers and photographers are asked to submit stories or photos about any recent sporting event they have covered – from a professional game to a local softball tournament to backyard shinny. The entries will be uploaded to a dedicated web site, www.journalismdream.com, where Canadians will vote and determine the top 50 stories and top 50 photo entries. The winners will be selected by a Globe and Mail panel.
"The two winners will travel to Vancouver and post regular reports and updates, which will appear in The Globe's newspaper and web coverage of the 2010 Winter Games in February."
According to the rules listed on the website, the winners will receive round trip economy airfare for two, fourteen nights accomodation, event tickets for the game (as chosen by the company) and $1000 spending money. Any addition costs are covered by the winners.
The writing winner will also receive an Acer Aspire 8935 laptop and the photographer winner will receive a Panasonic DMC-L10 Lumix Digital SLR camera with interchangeable lens.
The writer must submit a minimum of five articles, while the photographer must submit a minimum of five photos, which may or may not be published by the Globe.
Entry point:
Saturday, October 03, 2009
'Posing naked for a women's magazine felt brave and shocking'
'Posing naked for a women's magazine felt brave and shocking'
Phototherapy strips its subjects bare as a key stage in coping with the trauma of illness and abuse – or, as Melissa Whitworth discovers, as a life-affirming moment to savour forever
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/women_shealth/6255773/Posing-naked-for-a-womens-magazine-felt-brave-and-shocking.htmlThis month's Glamour magazine contains an article about women who have posed nude to overcome, or celebrate, something momentous in their lives. I know, because I wrote it, and I am one of the naked women pictured in its pages.
The idea behind what is now called "phototherapy" is simple: expose yourself to a camera, in the hands of a photographer you trust, and you will see your life in a different way. As one of the women I interviewed for the piece says: "Once you can face the world naked, what else is there to be afraid of?"
Friday, October 02, 2009
NNSL's Bruce Valpy pretends to do television
Good lord NNSL.. buy a microphone so people can hear you... the sound is embarrassing.. spend a couple of hundred bucks and do it right... in video audio is as important as grammar in print.... poor audio is a barrier to communication..