Friction over young photography whiz's art
Children may be frightened or misunderstand symbolism, church says
March 1, 2010, 6:42AM
RT @mediamentor: Young photography whiz's art worries church #photo #art #censorship Texas[excerpt]

Jackson Potts II
The elders at Ecclesia Church declined to show Jackson Potts' work in the Stations of the Cross art display. Inspired by the Crucifixion of Jesus, the piece depicts his brother being beaten by a police officer.
The elders at Ecclesia Church were expecting something tame from Jackson Potts II for their annual Stations of the Cross art display.
Instead, the 10-year-old produced a photo of his kid brother being beaten by a police officer. Jackson says it's a modern-day interpretation of Roman soldiers beating Jesus.
It's disturbing and could frighten children, argue church elders, who declined to display it in the church's art gallery alongside the work of other artists depicting the remaining 14 stations (the 15th depicts Christ's resurrection).
Jackson and his father, also a photographer, are holding out hope the Midtown church will allow the photo to hang during the city's FotoFest, a biannual photography celebration that runs until the end of April.
Church officials have offered to let Jackson display his piece for a few hours on March 12 as a compromise.
"I just want them to display it," Jackson said as he sipped a strawberry shake recently. Most everyone agrees Jackson is a gifted artist. He's done several impressive artistic pieces featuring his 7-year-old brother Dietrich. He's also shot weddings and will photograph an upcoming culinary conference.
So it was natural that Ecclesia's Xnihilo Gallery would invite the boy to participate in its special display, for which photographers create their interpretations of Jesus' path to crucifixion. ...