How to Add a Copyright Notice to Your Photos | Black Star Rising
"...Where's the ©?
OK, now that I've convinced you, you've probably noticed that there is no "©" (copyright) symbol on your keyboard. So how do you put a copyright symbol on your work?
If you're using Photoshop and a Mac, it's easy. Just click on the type tool and hold down the option key and type the letter "g" and that will produce the symbol. If you're using Windows, click on the type tool, hold down the Alt key, and press 0169 on the numbers keyboard to produce the symbol. Then, type your name or business name into the text box.
You can also find the copyright symbol in your extra characters palette in either Mac or Windows. You can then just copy and paste the symbol where you need it...."
Following this advice does two things..
- Puts you in complieace with US copyright law
- If you can prove that the infringer removed or altered your information to use your photo in an unauthorized manner, you may recover for that removal under the DMCA. The fines start at $2500 and go to $25,000 in addition to attorneys' fees and any damages for the infringement.
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
Spécialiste en l'information, communications et medias
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
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Community Radio Around the World Blog - Photography Blog
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