Saturday, November 06, 2004

Money in China

Money in China
Originally uploaded by Beijing Foreign Expert.
We were paid $500 US dollars oer month as a Foreign Expert... (half in US dollars the rest in yuan) dosen't sound like much... but when you know that a meal for ten people with a dozen Beijing Beers cost less that $10 US and we had free accomodations... I was able to save about $200 US every month...
This is a one yuan note of the time (1995).

My Beijing Residency Permit

Everyone who lives in China needed to have an official permit from the government to be able to live where they lived... this is the inside of my permit to live in Beijing.

The inside of my China Daily Press-Pass

I spend almost a year working at China Daily in Beijing as a "Foreign Expert" brought in by the Foreign Expert's Department of the government of the P.R.C. It was a great way to learn about China and the way of life there in 1995... and get paid for it too!

A handle...

A handle...
Originally uploaded by Beijing Foreign Expert.
... on a beautiful bronze urn at the Empress' Summer Palace in Beijing... 1995

My first test of Audioblogging

this is an audio post - click to play

I have downloaded it to my Mac and played it there... The audio quality seems to be quite acceptable and would certainly work as a way of doing news reports for a radio station... and since it is free... would certainly be of interest to community radio stations... Why not try it yourself to check the quality? George