Sambaa Deh rock Falls, Trout River, NWT
Aug 28 2009
© 2009 George Lessard DSC_8617
To call your attention to interesting photography related on the web... and to show off some of my photographic work... is there another reason for a blog?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sambaa Deh Falls rock
Focusing on Fort Liard
Daron Letts
Northern News Services
Published Saturday, Aug. 29, 2009
ACHO DENE KOE/FORT LIARD - Youth in Fort Liard captured hundreds of digital photographs of their community earlier this month.
![]() Michael Needlay flashes the peace sign in this image shot by Blair Kotchea during the Frozen Eyes Photographic Society's youth digital camera workshop in Fort Liard. - photo courtesy of Blair Kotchea |
The young artists participated in a Frozen Eyes Photographic Society workshop series from Aug. 3 to Aug, 9.
"It was probably the most successful program that I had run in terms of engaging the older kids because they're a difficult group to interest in much," said recreation co-ordinator, Roslyn Firth. "But, they participated in numbers greater than I'd ever imagined and produced some really beautiful photographs."
Society members David Pritchard and George Lessard of Yellowknife led the workshops. The pair brought 12 cameras and other specialized equipment to share with the youth. Pritchard opened the workshop with an instructional introduction to the cameras and the art of photography. [. ..]
The workshop series was sponsored by the NWT Arts Council. The society may return to the community to lead another workshop series soon.
The society formed in 2008 with the goal of providing hands-on photographic experience for young people throughout the NWT. Society members have provided similar workshops in several communities around the territory.
"I would like them to come back in the fall," Firth said.
An exhibit of the young photographers' work goes on display at 7 p.m., Sept. 3, in the cultural room at the Hamlet and band offices. The photographers will attend the event.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First Prime Minister to visit any part of Canada north of the Arctic Circle, July 21, 1961
This sculpture, symbolic of the cooperation of the three races in this community and in the North, was erected by the Government of the Northwest Territories in honour of the official opening of Inuvik. The opening ceremony was performed by the Right Honourable John George Diefenbaker, P.C., M.P. who was the first Prime Minister to visit any part of Canada north of the Arctic Circle, July 21, 1961
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Bahamas Paradise Island Mending Kit
Paradise Island Mending Kit....The only souvenir I have from my honeymoon, Nassau, the Bahamas
©2009 George Lessard
Sunday, August 23, 2009
SIVUNIRMUT ILINNIARNIQ - Elders' Advisory Committee Update 2002-fall-V4-Inuk.qxd

SIVUNIRMUT ILINNIARNIQ - Elders' Advisory Committee Update 2002-fall-V4-Inuk.qxd, originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.
SIVUNIRMUT ILINNIARNIQ - Elders' Advisory Committee Update deigned for my then employer, Education Nunavut, Curriculum & School Services Newsletter, Issue 2, Fall 2002 Inuktitut & English
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Spark Box Studio / Accepting Residency Applications / Picton, ON
Spark Box Studio, an art studio, print shop and artists' residency that offers unique opportunities to emerging and professional artists, writers, and students, has just opened up in Prince Edward County, Ontario.
About Us:
Spark Box Studio provides space for artists to live, research, investigate and experiment in a focused environment. We aim to encourage discovery and the cultivation of new ideas, provide career-building opportunities and resources for artists at all stages, and promote engagement with the local community through the arts.
Artist Residency Program
Spark Box Studio's Artist Residency Program provides live/work space to accommodate both emerging and professional printmakers, photographers, painters, illustrators and writers, as well as those currently undertaking studies in fine art. Artists-in-residence have access to our professional studio and resource library. The Residency Program affords artists the space, time and resources to support the advancement of their careers and to strengthen their practice. Artists-in-residence stay in a charming Victorian house located by the historic Picton Harbour.
For more information about Spark Box Studio Residency Program or to learn about other programs we offer, visit
Spark Box Studio
206 Main St.
Suite 2M
Picton, ON
T. 613.476.0337
Thursday, August 20, 2009
"...How many own your name as a domain name? ... Your online presence ..."
should show who you are, your interests and background, and showcase your
best professional work. ..."
The Need to Develop Their Personal Brand
As a journalism professor, I have found there is one thing guaranteed to
set off a flurry of frenzied activity in the classroom. It has nothing to
do with exams or story deadlines. Rather, it is prompted by a simple
question to students: How many own your name as a domain name?
This seemingly innocuous question acts as a trigger, sending students
online to see if someone else with the same name has snatched up the web
address. A lesson on online research methods turns into "how to buy a
domain name," or more often, "what do I do if someone else has my domain
This is no trivial matter. Having a website that reflects your
professional identity is your digital calling card. Your online presence
should show who you are, your interests and background, and showcase your
best professional work. Or to put it another way, your personal brand as a
In the journalism of today, the personal brand is becoming increasingly
central to the prospects of a young person starting out on a life of
reporting. So it is important for students at journalism school, and those
starting in the fall, to develop the professional brand that will set them
apart come graduation.
Some reporters may bristle at the idea of thinking of themselves as a
brand, considering it the equivalent of selling out. This overlooks the
fact that a journalist's identity has always been a part of the job,
otherwise why have bylines?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Research on Flickr / Biblio on Flickr Research
Cox, A. (2008) "Flickr: A case study of Web2.0" Aslib Proceedings 60 (5)
Cox, A., Clough, P. & Marlow, J.(2008) "Flickr: a first look at user
behaviour in the context of photography as serious leisure." Information
Research 13 (1)
Julia Davies wrote also a couple of papers
Davies, J (2007) `Display; Identity and the Everyday: self-presentation
through digital image sharing.´ In: Discourse, Studies in the Cultural
Politics of Education. 28:4
Davies, J. (2006) `Affinities and beyond!! Developing ways of seeing in
online spaces´. In e-learning- Special Issue: Digital Interfaces. Vol.3
issue 2. Pages 217-234. A
Edgar Gómez – doing a PhD on Flickr at Open University of Catalonia -
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute and visiting research at Oxford
Internet Institute:
Rachel Cobcroft – doing PhD on Flickr at Queensland State Archives /
Creative Commons Australia
Eric Meyer wrote an article on Flickr:
Ingrid Erickson ( her
dissertation integrated quite a bit of research on Flickr.
Jean Burgess (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)' work on
vernacular creativity and Flickr. Look at CreativityMachine for some of her work, including a
significant part of her dissertation project that focused on Flickr.
Mor Naaman studies it. A list of his publications in which you can find a
few about Flickr is avaleble at:
Liza Potts <> conducted research on Flickr. Published articles
Potts, L. (2009). "Using Actor Network Theory to Trace and Improve
Multimodal Communication Design." Technical Communication Quarterly, 18
Potts, L. (2009). "Designing for Disaster: Social Software Use in Times of
Crisis." International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge
Development. 1 (2), 33-46.
Potts, L. (2009). "Peering into Disaster: Social Software Use from the
Indian Ocean Earthquake to the Mumbai Bombings." Proceedings of the
International Professional Communication Conference. Hawaii: IEEE.
Potts, L. (2008). "Designing with Actor Network Theory: A New Method for
Modeling Holistic Experience." Proceedings of the International
Professional Communication Conference. Montreal: IEEE.
Collected by
Mayo Fuster Morell
Skype: mayoneti
Monday, August 17, 2009
"Le photographe George Lessard dénonce les pratiques douteuses du gouvernement des TNO en matière de respect du droit d’auteur."
Arts et culture : Qui veut s'approprier les droits des artistes du Nord?Écrit par Batiste W. Foisy
Paru le 13 août 2009
0 Commentaire(s)

Le photographe George Lessard en pleine action, lors d'un voyage d'échange en Russie, ce printemps. (Photo: Yudin Andrey Nikolaevich)
Le photographe George Lessard dénonce les pratiques douteuses du gouvernement des TNO en matière de respect du droit d'auteur.
Le photographe indépendant George Lessard n'a pas l'intention de s'enregistrer sur le répertoire en ligne des artistes des TNO ( Il n'est pas contre l'idée de diffuser son talent en ligne – loin de là! – mais il trouve que le prix à payer pour être listé sur ce site Web du gouvernement des TNO est plutôt salé.
« Quand vous voulez devenir membre de ce site-là, explique-t-il, on vous demande des images de votre œuvre et on demande aussi une licence pour l'utilisation de ces images, de la part du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Une licence qui les autorise à l'utiliser de n'importe quelle façon que ce soit. Je pense que ce n'est pas juste. Ils devraient plutôt demander une licence restreinte à l'utilisation de l'image sur ce site spécifique. »
Si vous souhaitez vous enregistrer sur ce répertoire, vous devrez remplir et signer un formulaire dont l'une des clauses spécifie que le gouvernement retient les droits de reproduction de l'image cédée « pour tout usage dont notamment, mais non limité à, l'illustration, la publicité, le marketing ou la publication sur tout support électronique ou imprimé ». C'est ce passage qui irrite Lessard, qui relève au passage que le formulaire n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Selon lui, le gouvernement retire le pain de la bouche à ceux qu'il prétend défendre.
« Le gouvernement des TNO dit qu'il veut encourager les artistes, mais dans ce cas-ci, il n'y a pas de possibilité pour les artistes de générer un revenu avec ces images-là », dit-il. Selon lui, le GTNO aiderait davantage les créateurs en leur achetant les droits restreints de reproduction des images qu'en leur demandant de les céder intégralement et sans compensation.
Celui qui est membre du Collectif pour les droits d'auteur du Front des artistes canadiens a écrit au ministre de l'industrie du tourisme et de l'investissement, Bob McLeod, afin de lui faire entendre son mécontentement. Le ministre n'a pas tardé à lui répondre pour lui dire que l'intention n'a jamais été d'usurper les droits d'auteurs des artistes du Nord.
Dans sa lettre, le ministre affirme que seules les reproductions à des fins de promotion et de communications internes des photos soumises sur le site sont envisagées par le gouvernement. « Cette base de données est un programme promotionnel dont l'adhésion repose sur une base volontaire par les artistes, écrit le ministre. Plus de 200 artistes ont souscrit à ce programme pour être exposé sur le site Web et dans des publications afférentes telles que Artist Newsline, une lettre d'information du GTNO destinée à la communauté artistique des TNO. Ce n'est que ce genre de promotion du travail des artistes qui est envisagée et permise par le formulaire de cessation de droits tel que rédigé. »
Mais George Lessard n'en démord pas. « Quand même, n'importe quel ministère du gouvernement peut faire n'importe quoi avec les images qu'on soumet », dit-il.
D'après lui, les artistes des TNO auraient avantage à mieux connaître les ramifications du droit d'auteur. « J'espère que le ministère de l'Industrie aidera un jour les artistes du Nord à mieux connaître leurs droits, dit-il.C'est important. »
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
SKYPE: themediamentor
Online Business Card:
Home Pages:
My panoramic images
My YouTube:
Online Activities:
Photo Illustrations:
My Public Bookmarks:
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective
Sent from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for Windows
Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with
support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of
useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides
friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.
It started development as an undergraduate college senior design project
mentored by Microsoft, and is currently being maintained by some of the
alumni that originally worked on it. Originally intended as a free
replacement for the Microsoft Paint software that comes with Windows, it
has grown into a powerful yet simple image and photo editor tool. It has
been compared to other digital photo editing software packages such as
Adobe® Photoshop®, Corel® Paint Shop Pro®, Microsoft Photo Editor, and The
System Requirements
Minimum System
* Windows XP (SP2 or newer),
or Windows Vista,
or Windows 7,
or Windows Server
(2003 SP1 or newer)
* .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (free download
from Microsoft)
* 256 MB of RAM (Recommended: 512 MB or more)
* 1024 x 768 screen resolution
* 200+ MB hard drive space
* 64-bit mode requires a 64-bit CPU and a 64-bit edition of Windows
IrfanView FREEWARE graphic viewer for Windows
rfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for
non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003
, 2008, Vista, Windows 7.
It is trying to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals.
IrfanView is trying to create new and/or interesting features in its own
way, unlike some other graphic viewers, whose whole "creativity" is based
on feature cloning, stealing of ideas and whole dialogs from ACDSee and/or
IrfanView! (for example: XnView has been stealing/cloning features and
whole dialogs from IrfanView, for 10+ years).
IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple
(animated) GIF support.
One of the first graphic viewers WORLDWIDE with Multipage TIF support.
The first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple ICO support.
Some IrfanView features:
* Many supported file formats (click here the list of formats)
* Multi language support
* Thumbnail/preview option
* Paint option - to draw lines, circles, arrows, straighten image etc.
* Toolbar skins option
* Slideshow (save slideshow as EXE/SCR or burn it to CD)
* Show EXIF/IPTC/Comment text in Slideshow/Fullscreen etc.
* Support for Adobe Photoshop Filters
* Fast directory view (moving through directory)
* Batch conversion (with image processing)
* Multipage TIF editing
* File search
* Email option
* Multimedia player
* Print option
* Support for embedded color profiles in JPG/TIF
* Change color depth
* Scan (batch scan) support
* Cut/crop
* IPTC editing
* Effects (Sharpen, Blur, Adobe 8BF, Filter Factory, Filters
Unlimited, etc.)
* Capturing
* Extract icons from EXE/DLL/ICLs
* Lossless JPG rotation
* Unicode support
* Many hotkeys
* Many command line options
* Many PlugIns
* Only one EXE-File, no DLLs, no Shareware messages like "I Agree" or
"Evaluation expired"
* No registry changes without user action/permission!
* and much much more
Simply point at any image you've got on the web, and in no
time flat, you've got a zoomable viewer just like this one. Share the link
on Facebook, Twitter, or through email or IM. Or embed it directly on your
blog, eBay listing or virtually any site. Go ahead, click on the image
below (or use your mousewheel) to zoom in, and drag it to pan around. allows you to share virtually any size image on the web,
whether it is a five, ten or two hundred megapixels. Because the viewer
uses the same Deep Zoom image technology available to developers in
Microsoft Silverlight, no matter what size the image is it loads quickly.
The embedded viewer adjusts dynamically to the layout of your page, or can
be customized to a specific size with just a quick change to a script
size, so now any size image fits perfectly on your site. And because uses a dual-mode Silverlight & AJAX control, it works on
virtually any browser--automatically using Silverlight to provide a
smoother experience and better performance when available, and defaulting
to a scripted viewer when it is not.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Getty Images on Flickr
About the Flickr collection
Our Flickr collection reflects the passion of a community of photographers
worldwide, featuring uniquely personal images with an authenticity rare in
stock photography.
And because Flickr photos cover a range of subject matter – and are
available in rights-managed and royalty-free licenses – you'll find
options to meet the creative and budgetary needs of all your projects.
Tap into the collection
We've built several key features and functionalities into our Flickr
experience – creating an interactive, community-based universe where you
Search the collection. It's easy to find just what you're looking for. Use
the search box at top left to do a standard image search, complete with
filtering options, or try the box at top right to discover images, fellow
users and photo clouds.
Create and share photo clouds. Photo clouds are a unique way to visually
group images that catch your eye – for use in a project or just to spark
ideas. You can share them, keep them to yourself, view other users'
clouds, mark favorites and follow users who inspire you.
Download extras. Looking for more ways to connect with our Flickr images?
We've got a Facebook app that lets you create photo clouds to reflect your
status, as well as a flash widget for adding clouds to your blog and other
personal spaces. You can even download a dynamic screensaver made up of
images recently searched for by other users.
PHOTOVOICE - giving marginalized youth a voice is through digital photography
"... Active listening takes time. But I was reminded this summer while working with aboriginal youth in the Northwest Territories of how it is time well spent. The challenges facing Canada's aboriginal peoples are well documented. I would like to share a story of what happens when you stop focusing on problems and start focusing on creative solutions.
It all starts with listening. When you listen to these youth talk about their lives, the first thing that strikes you is the pain. Whether the cause is physical, mental or sexual abuse, alcoholism, addictions, family violence, poverty or a combination, the impact on the youth is the same -- pain. They carry it around every day like a mantle, often suffering in silence, without the words to explain it, the skills to cope or the opportunities to express themselves.
Couple that with peer pressure. These youths are immersed in a world where how you look is more important than how you think, where your net worth is more relevant than your self worth and success is measured by what you have instead of what you have to give.
Fortunately there are ways we can make a difference. One effective method for giving marginalized youth a voice is through digital photography, known as Photovoice. It invites youth to explore personal and social issues from behind the lens of a camera. It's about empowerment and engagement, using new technologies and computer software they are already familiar with. It doesn't involve adults creating and delivering a program hoping to fix the problem. That's not engagement -- engagement is listening to thoughts, feelings and ideas, then getting them involved in the process of what the final project will look like.
My role is giving topic ideas or themes they can explore, then engaging them in the process by choosing their own topics they are passionate about. The process is as important as the final project. It's not just what the youth create, but the skill building, increased self-esteem and opportunity for self-expression that happen along the way. As a grand finale, we have booked the theatre in Yellowknife for a free screening to premiere their projects. It's our hope that family, friends and people from across the community will celebrate their accomplishments and support their hard work...."
Photovoice is a participatory action research strategy using photography as a tool of social change. The process turns the camera lens toward the eyes and experiences of vulnerable populations and gives people the opportunity to record, reflect and critique personal and community issues in creative ways.
"These places that I've photographed, they actually do exist in our community. It's not all just, like, clean pretty on the outside. Some of the things are really beautiful and some of the things aren't so beautiful. But, they all exist and you all got to be aware of them, because the ugly things are what make the others things beautiful."
Photovoice Youth Participant
"... At PhotoVoice we encourage the use of documentary photography by enabling those that have traditionally been the subject of such work to become its creator - to have control over how they are perceived by the rest of the world, while simultaneously learning a new skill which can enhance their lives.
To see a short PhotoVoice film please click here
"'Power to the People' was the oft-heard clarion call of the 1960's. Now, at last, thanks to PhotoVoice, the disenfranchised and marginalised, the voiceless Other, have the tools to speak in the universal language that is photography. Long may their eloquence enlighten and delight us."
Philip Jones Griffiths,
President of Magnum Photos 1980-1985
Patron of PhotoVoice..."
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Syllabics Poster (front)
I designed this poster when I worked for the Nunavut Department of Education.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Resend: Fort Liard Young Photographers Workshop presented by the Frozen Eyes Photographic Society
Images taken in Fort Liard NWT, Canada during a Young Photographers Workshop presented by the Frozen Eyes Photographic Society thanks to the sponsorship of the Hamlet of Fort Liard, NWT - BHP-Billiton and the NWT Arts Council
Apologies for the resend due to missing URL
The Frozen Eyes Photography Workshop in Fort Liard NWT
Images taken in Fort Liard NWT, Canada during a Young Photographers Workshop presented by the Frozen Eyes Photographic Society thanks to the sponsorship of the Hamlet of Fort Liard, NWT - BHP-Billiton and the NWT Arts Council
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
SKYPE: themediamentor
Online Business Card:
Home Pages:
My panoramic images
My YouTube:
Online Activities:
Photo Illustrations:
My Public Bookmarks:
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective
NYT: Lament for a Dying Field: Photojournalism
"...PARIS — When photojournalists and their admirers gather in southern
France at the end of August for Visa pour l'Image, the annual celebration
of their craft, many practitioners may well be wondering how much longer
they can scrape by.
Newspapers and magazines are cutting back sharply on picture budgets or
going out of business altogether, and television stations have cut back on
news coverage in favor of less-costly fare. Pictures and video snapped by
amateurs on cellphones are posted to Web sites minutes after events have
occurred. Photographers trying to make a living from shooting the news
call it a crisis.
In the latest sign of distress, the company that owns the photo agency
Gamma sought protection from creditors on July 28 after a loss of €3
million, or $4.2 million, in the first half of the year as sales fell by
nearly a third...."
Aurora Arts Society Mural Project at the 2009 Yellowknife Old Town Ramble and Ride
Video ©2009 George Lessard
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Cost of water in Ft Liard
Cost of water in Ft Liard
For more info on the community
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Ceilidh Friends - Steve Goff
Steve Goff (right), musician, photographer, geologist, and storyteller, passed away very suddenly on Saturday, August 1, 2009.
Ceilidh Friends – Yellowknife
Conibear Park Family Afternoon
Hailing from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Ceilidh Friends is a four-voice group that performs traditional, modern and Northern music.
Known for vocal harmonies, the group also plays a variety of acoustic instruments including guitars, Appalachian and hammered dulcimers, recorders, percussion, tenor and five string banjos, ukulele banjo, mandolin, bowed psaltery, and autoharp.
Merv Hardi ferry crossing the Mackenzie River
A documentation of the Merv Hardi ferry crossing the Mackenzie River next to the unfinished Deh Cho Bridge August 2nd, 2009 ©2009 George Lessard
Saturday, August 01, 2009
George Lessard celebrates a personal photographic milestone
is very pleased to announce
that his images on Flickr
have, as of
August 1st, 2009,
been seen
over 100,000 times.
Apologies for duplicate posts
Information & Media Specialist
6402135 Canada Inc.
451 Norseman Drive
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
Online Business Card:
Home e-mail
Alternate e-mail:
Home Pages
Online Activities:
My Public Bookmarks:
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective
George Lessard celebrates a personal photographic milestone
is very pleased to announce
that his images on Flickr
have, as of
August 1st, 2009,
been seen
over 100,000 times.
Apologies for duplicate posts
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
SKYPE: themediamentor
Online Business Card:
Home Pages:
My panoramic images
My YouTube:
Online Activities:
Photo Illustrations:
My Public Bookmarks:
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective