GoPro's HD HERO Naked is the world's highest performance wearable 1080p HD video and still photo camera. Professional quality 1080p / 960p / 720p HD resolutions record at 30 and 60 frames per second (60 fps in 720p). Record up to 2.5 hours on a single charge and up to 9 hours total on a 32GB SD card (not included).
The camera can also shoot automatic 5 megapixel photos at 2/5/10/30 and 60 second intervals during your activity, hands free. Press the shutter button once at the start of your activity and record up to 2.5 hours of poster-print quality photos of you and your friends, living it up.
Included is one mount for attaching the camera to a helmet or other curved surface as well as the quick-release HD housing which protects the camera.
The HD HERO Naked is compatible with all other GoPro HERO camera mounting accessories, so it's very easy to expand the functionality of your camera to suction cup to vehicles, clamp to bike handlebars and seat posts, mount to surfboards, and even be worn on the wrist or chest.
Waterproof to 180' / 60m and protected from rocks and other hazards thanks to its removable polycarbonate housing. Replacement housings and lens kits are available, making repairs or refurbishing your HD HERO camera affordable and convenient. It's a GoPro...go for it.™
New York Times Gadgetwise Blog - "The GoPro Goes Anywhere"
New York, NY - Sept, 2010 - The GoPro HD HERO was put through its paces and featured in the New York Times. The Gadgetwise Blog writer says the HD HERO is "One of the most fun cameras I've ever used.... and "Packs more power than most professional cameras on the market today." Read full story.
HD Cameras: Wide Lens
Standard Def Cameras: Wide Lens
Additional Mounts
- Handlebar Seatpost Mount
- Roll Bar Mount
- Suction Cup Mount
- Chest Mount Harness
- Helmet Front Mount
- Head Strap Mount
- Tripod Mount
- Vented Helmet Strap Mount
- Grab Bag of Mounts
- Flat Adhesive Mounts
- Curved Adhesive Mounts
- Surf HERO Expansion
- HD Wrist Housing
- HERO Wide Wrist Housing
- HERO Wrist Housing (Standard Lens)
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Information, Communications and Media Specialist
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451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
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