Explore what is possible with creative access to live, interactive, locally and globally connected screens: real-time, content-rich experiences on digital screens in our public space
The exhibition I am here; what can we do? is part of "Urban Screens Toronto 2010", an international urban screens conference and exhibition taking place between September 24th-30th; produced in collaboration with the International Urban Screens Association (IUSA).
Urban Screens Toronto 2010 will promote a multifaceted approach to exploring the growing appearance of moving images in urban space and the global transformation of public culture in the context of networked forms of urban screens. It will build on the successful events held in Amsterdam, Manchester, and Melbourne and will be the first international Urban Screens conference held in North America.
Through an integrated program of keynote lectures, panel sessions, workshops, curated screenings and multimedia projects, it will bring together leading Canadian and international artists and curators, architects and urban planners, designers, ad agencies and brand managers, screen operators and content providers, academics, activists, policymakers, technology manufacturers, software developers and public intellectuals.
I am here; what can we do?
Public Call For:
New or existing experimental, interactive artwork suitable for urban screens.
Short-format videos that are relevant for presentation on urban screens.
Interactive Design & advertising created for urban screens. We will accept past commercial interactive work from ad agencies and designers.
Student work interactive and video work by students at any institution worldwide is welcome.
Themes include, but are not limited to: The meeting point of the real and the virtual; work that incorporates media technology and contemporary building/architectural technology; user-generated content; multi-site, networked projects; work that addresses public spaces and civic engagement.
Important Information:
Submission deadline: March 1 2010
Submission format: Please submit PDF files only.
No larger than 3 MB.
Provide URLs for viewing of work if desired.
Proposals should include:
1) Brief 50-word summary of your artwork
2) Full proposal or description of the project (maximum 2 pages)
3) Maximum 10 images, URL where work can be found online
4) Documentation of this work if it has previously be exhibited, or of another exhibited work by the artist.
3) Detailed list of technical requirements
4) Curriculum Vitae (maximum 3 pages)
Fees: There is no entry fee. Reasonable presentation fees will be paid, for new and existing interactive work and videos. Fees will not be paid for design & advertising work. Students will not receive a fee, but will be automatically considered for a prize. Please note that we cannot fund the creation of new work.
Submit: In the subject line: Urban Screens Toronto Proposal
Email to JURY at: urbanscreenstoronto@gmail.com
Jury: The jury will be comprised of Toronto Urban Screens committee members Michelle Kasprzak, Janine Marchessault, Gabe Sawhney, Suzanne Stein and Sharon Switzer.
Notification: April 1, 2010
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
Spécialiste en l'information, communications et medias
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
E-mail: mediamentor@gmail.com
My Biography - My panoramic images - Photo Illustrations - Circumpolar Blog
Community Radio Around the World Blog - Photography Blog
El Alto to Lake Titicaca Bolivia Photo Book
Chelyabinsk Russian Village Photo Book
Arviat, Nunavut Photo Book
Yellowknife Maps
Twitter Feed on Northern & First Nations Isuues
Twitter Feed on Journalism & Media Issues
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective

RT @mediamentor: Community Media Association 365 http://ow.ly/14TMX 2010 – a photo blog year in the life of community media - About http://ow.ly/14TOy
The Community Media Association (CMA) has started this photo blog for 2010 but we need your help. We would like you to send us photos of your community project that we will publish on "Community Media 365″. Every day in 2010 we will post to this blog an image relating to community media so that over the course of 2010 together we will build a rich visual picture of the community media sector.
All images are welcome – whether it's a picture of the stapler on your desk or a visit to your project by a campaigning politician; a photo of your staff team or the view from your window. Obviously the more photos we can get from you the better chance we have of this project succeeding. The CMA will also post the odd picture up so you will get a chance to see some of us at work.
Please send your photos to: photo365@commedia.org.uk
We can handle all digital photo file formats but sending jpegs will mean less work for us to convert them. We can also scale down pictures so hi-res photos are fine. When sending photos from a mobile phone try to set the highest resolution possible. Please ensure that all photos are suitable for publishing on the web in terms of rights clearance and privacy.
We will continue to make calls throughout the year for photos so just keep them coming. We hope to feature as wide a spread of your projects as possible but the more good photos that you send us the better the chances are of your organisation featuring several times.
So please start immediately and send your photos now to: photo365@commedia.org.uk
The Community Media Association is the UK representative body for the Community Media sector and we are committed to promoting access to the media for people and communities. We enable people to establish and develop community based communications media for empowerment, cultural expression, information and entertainment.
Founded in 1983, the CMA is a non-profit making organisation, supporting community radio, local television and community-based internet projects. We represent the interests of the community media sector Government, industry and regulatory bodies.
Membership currently exceeds 600, bringing together established organisations, aspirant groups and individuals within the sector. The CMA provides a range of advice, information and consultancy, offering support to anyone with an interest in the sector.