To call your attention to interesting photography related on the web... and to show off some of my photographic work... is there another reason for a blog?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Octopus tool use
Read more: http://www.newscientist.com...
A species of octopus has been found to use coconut shells as tools to hide from potential threats.
Chimpanzees make their first movie! - Natural World: The Chimpcam Project Preview - BBC Two
The first film made by Chimpanzees! The Chimps of Edinburgh Zoo were part of a unique experiment to discover how they see the world. See it on The Chimpcam Project Natural World.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Contemporary Digital Imagery - A series of #workshops NWT Nunavut & Yukon for Freelancers Artists Business
Please share with those you think might be interested...by George...
Contemporary Digital Imagery
A series of workshops created for and emphasising the needs of:
Artists & other Individuals, Small & MEDIUM Sized Businesses, Family Businesses, Freelancers, the Self Employed, Non-governmental Organizations and with discounts for Civil Society Groups. Also private lessons.
Offered in Yellowknife or by arrangement in the Yukon, the NWT, Nunavik & Nunavut or other locals.
English 1512K PDF file called
available online at
or to read / direct download here. http://ow.ly/ZYdD
Image & Communications Digital
Une série d'ateliers créé pour et soulignant les besoins de :
Artistes et d'autres individus, Petites et moyennes entreprises, affaires de famille, indépendants, les organisations non gouvernementales indépendantes et et avec des escomptes pour des groupes de société civile. Leçons privées.
Offert à Yellowknife ou par agencement dans le Yukon, le NWT, Nunavik et Nunavut ou d'autres gens du pays.
by / par
Information, Communications and Media Specialist
Spécialiste en l'information, communications et medias
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
E-mail: mediamentor@gmail.com
My Biography - My panoramic images - Photo Illustrations - Circumpolar Blog
Community Radio Around the World Blog - Photography Blog
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Canada No Prorogue demonstration #YZF #NWT #NoProrogue
20100123 #YZF #NWT #NoProrogue VIDEO 01
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Canada
No Prorogue demonstration
Thursday, January 21, 2010
#Haiti #Jacmel #Quake #Video - 8 days of Tweets about / from @cineinstitute 12/01/2010

View tweets from cineinstitute
RT @cineinstitute: We are so overwhelmed with all the support! Please continue to visit our website for updates. In the meantime watch.. ...
RT @cineinstitute: We are so overwhelmed with all the support! Please continue to visit our website for updates. In the meantime watch.. ...
We are so overwhelmed with all the support! Please continue to visit our website for updates. In the meantime watch... http://bit.ly/5cRhiK
Die Studenten der Filmhochschule in Jacmel/Haiti haben die #Katastrophe dokumentiert. Fotos: http://bit.ly/4Sqv6E follow @cineinstitute
@yatalley how can i help? so far post links to CineInstitute videos from Jacmel, my com works in iraq, india, mex, helping locals make media
RT @djchela follow Haiti's own grassroots media @cineinstitute & watch news shorts on their site: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@cbcconnect So, why not get together @cbc & get the @Cineinstitute some new equipment to help them out? Sound good? #haiti
See the work of film students in #Haiti - they document the aftermath: http://bit.ly/5Fi8P3 #CineInstitute #Donate
RT @djchela: follow Haiti's own grassroots media @cineinstitute & watch news shorts on their site: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ #f ...
follow Haiti's own grassroots media@cineinstitute & watch news shorts on their site: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ #forthepeople
Read & donate to www.cineinstitute.com. This film institute in Haiti is trying to keep people up to date. 100% of donations goes to relief.
CBCNewsWorld's @cbcconnect Mark Kelley http://ow.ly/YNtI running a story tonight on @cineinstitute http://ow.ly/YNtM #YZF
Alunos sobreviventes voltaram aos escombros e encontraram suas câmeras. Vão fazer um doc sobre o momento.http://www.cineinstitute.com
O Instituto Ciné, com sede em Jacmel, na costa sul do Haiti, foi completamente destruído pelo terremoto http://www.cineinstitute.com
contact @cineinstitute they might help RT @Le_Jacmelien: RT @CarelPedre I need a list of every organisation that u kno in the Jacmel
#Haiti's Film School @cineinstitute Students Keep Their Cameras Rolling NewsHourPBS http://ow.ly/YMNh http://ow.ly/YMPw http://ow.ly/YMPx
CBCNewsWorld's @cbcconnect Mark Kelley http://ow.ly/YMGj running a story tonight on @cineinstitute http://ow.ly/YMKJ http://ow.ly/YMKK
On tonight's show we have @carelpedre @cineinstitute plus the Edmonton couple fighting to keep their baby alive. http://www.cbc.ca/connect
@IJNet re Resources available for covering Haiti see @cineinstitute & http://www.cineinstitute.com
AFTERSHOCK TREMOR HITS JACMEL HAITI Haitian students reporting round the clock http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
At least there's http://www.cineinstitute.com/ to give another voice & http://www.democracynow.org/ to contextualize some of what's going on
Videos and news by Haitian film students: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Nie zobaczymy już filmów robionych przez studentów w Jackmel na Haiti www.cineinstitute.com Dzisiejsze wstrząsy zburzyły i odcięły internet
Follow cine Institute latest updates on Twitter... http://twitter.com/cineinstitute
AFTERSHOCK TREMOR HITS JACMEL HAITI Haiti's film students report round the clock. www.cineinstitute.com
@wyclef @carelpedre @HOPE_FOR_HAITI @CampbellX Haiti's film students report round the clock http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
AFTERSHOCK TREMOR HITS JACMEL HAITI Haiti's film students report round the clock.http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
video footage and news from young Haitian students of the Cine Institute in Jacmel http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Cine Institute Haiti in NYC needs help from Programmers (PHP & Wordpress)& Translators (Creole & French) Contact: alana@cineinstitute.com
Cine Institute Haiti in NYC needs help from Programmers (PHP & Wordpress)& Translators (Creole & French) Contact: alana@cineinstitute.com
RT @cineinstitute: Jacmel awoke at 6AM this morning to yet another after-shock (apparently 6.1). http://bit.ly/5yiptI #Haiti
The good news is that David Belle also reports that due to the incredible response of the media to this story,... http://bit.ly/6AIw6j
Jacmel awoke at 6AM this morning to yet another after-shock (apparently 6.1). The students and CI Founder David... http://bit.ly/5yiptI
RT @LaineyGossip: Aftershock update from Jacmel http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/2010/01/20/aftershock-tremor-hits-jacmel-haiti/
Aftershock update from Jacmel http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/2010/01/20/aftershock-tremor-hits-jacmel-haiti/
Very talented student video reporting from Jacmel Haiti http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ Hat tip @hammertonail http://tinyurl.com/yl6vxmd
http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ Hier stellen Studenten aus Haiti Filmberichte (Dokus)ein,so das man sich ein Bild machen kann von schaden
Voici comment rester en contact avec la réalité d'aujourd'hui de nos frères Haïtiens http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @BaghdadBrian: great summary video by CineInstitute about their work in #haiti to speak to the world http://vimeo.com/8848104 pls rt
Confiram > Documentário produzido pelo cine institute >http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
filmstudenten aus #haiti graben kameras und rechner wieder aus und drehen filme http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: "Avion Ki Pote Manje" (Helicopter's Bring Food) by Keziah Jean http://bit.ly/5eJZfU
Haitian film school recovers material from rubble and starts reporting on aid programme: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@cbcconnect RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
Via Global Voices, learned that film school in Jacmel is still operating - students posting short videos http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@cineinstitute I would like very much to collaborate with you via my organization @smallworldnews please DM contact info?
here is a great summary video by CineInstitute about their work in #haiti to speak to the world http://vimeo.com/8848104 pls rt
Des étudiants de la seule école de cinéma d'Haïti témoignent de l'horreur à Jacmel dans des courts métrages www.cineinstitute.com
RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
RT @cineinstitute: Keziah Jean reports from Pinchinat Refugee camp in Jacmel: http://ow.ly/YsfX #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: "Avion Ki Pote Manje" (Helicopter's Bring Food) by Keziah Jean http://ow.ly/Ysfb #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://ow.ly/Ysed #video #haiti
#Students at #Cine Institute in #Jacmal, #Haiti document #disater. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute "Avion Ki Pote Manje" (Helicopter's Bring Food) by Keziah Jean http://bit.ly/5eJZfU #Jacmel
RT @cineinstitute Keziah Jean reports from Pinchinat Refugee camp in Jacmel: http://bit.ly/6V1XHq
"Avion Ki Pote Manje" (Helicopter's Bring Food) by Keziah Jean http://bit.ly/5eJZfU
RT @cineinstitute: Keziah Jean reports from Pinchinat Refugee camp in Jacmel: http://bit.ly/6V1XHq #haiti
RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
RT @cineinstitute: First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
First Shipment of Aid arrives in Jacmel http://bit.ly/7Mix67
Keziah Jean reports from Pinchinat Refugee camp in Jacmel: http://bit.ly/6V1XHq
oh. perhaps info on WHO to contact from last tweet lol ... contact alana@cineinstitute.com www.cineinstitute.com #Haiti #Jacmel.
Programmers (PHP & Wordpress) and Creole & French Translators needed for @cineinstitute's NYC Center #Haiti #Jacmel
cineinstitute Ciné Institute on WNYC's Brian Leher show right now! http://bit.ly/5qT1lh
@sara_marques please check out http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ film students covering the situation day and night
The Ciné Institute, in Jacmel, Haiti's only film school. Are documenting the disaster, please donate to help them rebuild. @cineinstitute
@cbcconnect http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
#Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute capture images of destruction & recovery http://ow.ly/YoHM http://ow.ly/YoHN http://ow.ly/YoHO
@cbcconnect #Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute capture images http://ow.ly/YoHx http://ow.ly/YoHy http://ow.ly/YoHz
@cbcconnect AFP Report: #Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute http://ow.ly/Xagi pre #quake #video now uploading aftermath reports
@gibon102 Zajrzyj na http://www.cineinstitute.com Studenci filmówki robią materiały w rejonie gdzie 90 proc. zawalonych domów.Heroizm
Check out Ciné Institute @ www.cineinstitute.com they provide Haitian youth w/ film education & media related micro enterprise opportunities
Escola de Cinema do Haiti - parece menor, mas educação e audiovisual ajudam no longo prazo! Para doar: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
help local Haiti media makers keep documenting was is happening on the island. Please donate http://www.cineinstitute.com/about-us/photos/
Ciné Institute: a film school for Haitian youth in the city of Jacmel documenting the aftermath: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Ciné Institute on WNYC's Brian Leher show right now! http://bit.ly/5qT1lh
RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX
Cine Institute students reporting from Haiti: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ #FB
Kataklizm na Haiti jest niewyobrażalny. Filmy robione przez dziennikarzy stamtąd http://www.cineinstitute.com/news Wielkie poświęcenie!
Des étudiants de la seule école de cinéma en Haïti documentent l'après-séisme http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ (via @surleweb)
young Haitian filmmakers report on their situation: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ via @TedHope
Story idea @wcbstv & @LouYoungNY The organizers for are based in NY http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ I attended their fundraiser last nite
Haitian FilmStudents: human patient hopefl sober reality 2 survvl & sldrty in Haiti b4 & after http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Kataklizm na Haiti jest niewyobrażalny. Filmy robione przez dziennikarzy stamtąd http://www.cineinstitute.com/news Wielkie poświęcenie!
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute's coverage featured on nytimes.com Lede blog: http://bit.ly/6dOPnm #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute's coverage featured on nytimes.com Lede blog: http://bit.ly/6dOPnm #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute's coverage featured TWICE nytimes.com 1st at http://ow.ly/Y6rK & 2nd at http://ow.ly/Y6ty #Haiti #quake
@le_jacmelien @haitifeed @cineinstitute RT @sophiabliu: #haiti #offering 2 rescue teams 2 look for Life #loc Jacmel #source @ShaunKing
RT @BaghdadBrian: An article in indian media about CineInstitute! http://mobmag.in/seriously/haiti-on-haiti-by-haiti/ h/t @misskaul
An article in indian media about CineInstitute! http://mobmag.in/seriously/haiti-on-haiti-by-haiti/ h/t @misskaul
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute's coverage featured on nytimes.com Lede blog: http://bit.ly/6dOPnm
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute's coverage featured on nytimes.com Lede blog: http://bit.ly/6dOPnm
RT @michelangequay: Please follow Haiti's Filmschool CINE INSTITUTE- film students document haiti after quake @cineinstitute http://bit. ...
Ciné Institute's coverage featured on nytimes.com Lede blog: http://bit.ly/6dOPnm
RT @michelangequay: Please follow Haiti's Filmschool CINE INSTITUTE- film students document haiti after quake @cineinstitute http://bit. ...
Please follow Haiti's Filmschool CINE INSTITUTE- film students document haiti after quake @cineinstitute http://bit.ly/5ypSI
Lesly Decembre reports from a makeshift refugee camp in #Jacmel #Haiti #CineInstitute #HaitiEarthquake http://bit.ly/7gKnTw
Now following @HaitiXchange and @cineinstitute. Support #Haitian media! I for one can certainly afford to step away from #msnbc & #cnn.
here is another location to get updates about #jacmel #haiti : http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ #helphaiti pls RT
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute Director David Belle reports from Port-au-Prince: http://bit.ly/4GSGtd
RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX
Actor/Activist JCusack aka @shockozulu compiledA list of reputable orgs4 #Haiti www.fonkoze.org www.cineinstitute.com www.lambifund.org 3of3
RT @Dawn_GN: Follow @cineinstitute on Tweeter RT New report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/6N98EA // @shockozulu
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
@guyadams These films students have a twitter feed http://twitter.com/cineinstitute
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
approved Haiti relief links by RT @shockozulu http://www.lambifund.org/ http://www.cineinstitute.com/ http://www.fonkoze.org/
Trust Johnny RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX #haiti
RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX #haiti /via @MissionMANNA #fb
This is a very good organization RT @shockozulu http://www.cineinstitute.com/ #haiti
Follow @cineinstitute on Tweeter RT New report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/6N98EA // @shockozulu
@shockozulu CINEINSTITUTE: Filmmaking breaks isolation, expands horizons, creates new skills and provides a voice to the previously unheard.
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
@InternetHaiti@MSFabulous_MIA re: Amanpour seeking handheld cam users, try: cineinstitute.com in haiti. students need gear!
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX #haiti
RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX #haiti
¿Cómo seguir el terremoto de Haití en la red? http://tinyurl.com/yefo4ry #haiti añadid @cineinstitute
RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
RT @cineinstitute: A New Video From Ciné Institute students shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit. ...
RT @cineinstitute: Rose Laure Charles Found!!! She is well and we have accounted for all our students. We are thrilled and relieved... h ...
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
RT @cineinstitute: New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX
New Ciné Institute report from Jacmel http://bit.ly/7iNstX
@cineinstitute THANK YOU for being our eyes and recording this moment in our city's history. keep it up #jacmel. Jacmel VIV Jacmel!! #haiti
RT @InternetHaiti: RT @MsFabulous_MIA #Haiti handheld satellite need @cineinstitute - cineinstitute.com Empower them 2 doc aftermath
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
@CineInstitute's "Decembre" video offers striking images of the destruction in Jacmel, Haiti - http://bit.ly/7x5Cx1
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
RT @InternetHaiti: RT @MsFabulous_MIA CNN's Amanpour willing 2 give someone in #Haiti handheld camera 2 document aftermath @cineinstitute
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: A New Video From Ciné Institute students shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit. ...
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
RT @cineinstitute: City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel & surrounding areas.http://ow.ly/XY6c #Haiti #quake #video
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @cineinstitute:New Video shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit.ly/8hRep4 #Haiti
City Officials talk about destruction in Jacmel and surrounding areas. http://bit.ly/6k6JfV
RT @cineinstitute: Rose Laure Charles Found!!! She is well and we have accounted for all our students. We are thrilled and relieved... h ...
RT @MissionMANNA RT @cineinstitute:New Video shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit.ly/8hRep4 #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute Ciné Institute student video shows destroyed school & survivors waiting for medical care http://ow.ly/XXs3 #Haiti #quake
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @cineinstitute:New Video shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit.ly/8hRep4 #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute:New Video shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit.ly/8hRep4 #Haiti
RT @cineinstitute New video from our students shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://tinyurl.com/y9jvug4
See this report from Haiti yesterday at the bottom of this cine institute link: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
A New Video From Ciné Institute students shows a destroyed school and survivors waiting for medical care. http://bit.ly/8hRep4
The film students of Ciné Institute located in Jacmel have been covering the tragedy on their website... http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: Rose Laure Charles Found!!! She is well and we have accounted for all our students. We are thrilled and relieved... h ...
Rose Laure Charles Found!!! She is well and we have accounted for all our students. We are thrilled and relieved... http://bit.ly/8JuIT2
@AprilMac The "big picture" in Haiti is NOT the big media story "negroes running amuck" its stories like http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/.
NEWS: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ Haitian Filmmakers Working Their Way Thru This Crisis via @garysanders1
From Haitian film students based in Jacmel. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Support work of proud students at cine institute in jacmel: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/. Watch their clips-help Jacmel!
@cineinstitute U need to keep videotaping jacmel and get words out from Haitian-persepective. R u online? thx @mediamadam
RT @Pablo_Peixoto: Ciné Institute pede ajuda para continuar documentando a tragédia no haiti: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Des étudiants de la seule école de cinéma en Haïti documentent l'après-séisme http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: The awesome Molly Crabapple did a twitter auction live, and raised $225 . Facebook http://ow.ly/XN0Y @HelpJournalists
RT @cineinstitute: Artists find creative ways to support Ciné Institute. Many thanks! http://bit.ly/6C3WDm @HelpJournalists
Des étudiants de la seule école de cinéma en Haïti documentent l'après-séisme http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Artists find creative ways to support Ciné Institute. Many thanks! http://bit.ly/6C3WDm
The awesome Molly Crabapple did a twitter auction live, drew a critter for highest bidder and raised $225 for CIne... http://bit.ly/91Ad8e
Doe para reconstruir a escola de cinema do Haiti http://www.cineinstitute.com
"Prayer" video from CineInstitute.com student filmmakers on the ground in Jacmel, #Haiti: http://ow.ly/XI9p
RT @shockozulu: http://www.oursoil.org/ http://www.healthyhaiti.org/ http://www.cineinstitute.com http://www.haitisoleil.org/
RT @shockozulu: http://www.fokal-usa.org http://www.fokal.org http://www.fonkoze.org http://www.cineinstitute.com http://www.lambifund.org
@cineinstitute : Je suis journaliste à France 24. Je souhaiterais interviewer un de vos étudiants. Pour me contacter sur Skype : julien.pain
RT @shockozulu: http://www.cineinstitute.com/
Ciné Institute pede ajuda para continuar documentando a tragédia no haiti: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@cineinstitute Ce n´était pas moi qui voudrais vous contacter mais @Kenold I checked out your site, and would sure love to document #haiti
from the inside http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/2010/01/17/force-marie-jacmel-video-report-by-olivier-divers/
@ebertchicago Please follow Haiti's Filmschool CINE INSTITUTE- film students document haiti after quake @cineinstitute http://bit.ly/5ypSI
RT @michelangequay: Please follow Haiti's Film School ~ Cine Institute ~ reporting from Haiti @cineinstitute & on Facebook http://bit.ly ...
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute Director David Belle reports from Port-au-Prince: http://bit.ly/4GSGtd
Please follow Haiti's Film School ~ Cine Institute ~ reporting from Haiti @cineinstitute & on Facebook http://bit.ly/5ypSI
@Kenold http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ 10 Rue Saint Anne,Jacmel, Haiti Tel 509.288.3607 info@festivalfilmjakmel.com David Belle
Please follow Haiti's Film School ~ Cine Institute ~ reporting from Haiti @cineinstitute & on Facebook http://bit.ly/5ypSIW Pls RT
New blog post: "Film students cover crisis in Haiti" (@cineinstitute) http://www.markmandel.com/blog.html #filmmaking
Reports and video from @cineinstitute, a Haitian youth film school http://vimeo.com/user1630305
RT @elizk @cineinstitute in P-a-P on media portrayal of Haiti as tinderbox - "could be nothing further from the truth" http://bit.ly/8uyPUQ
RT @cineinstitute: New report "Force Marie Jacmel" Video by Olivier Divers http://ow.ly/Xsd6 in Haiti
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute Director David Belle reports from Port-au-Prince: http://bit.ly/4GSGtd via Facebook
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @cineinstitute Ciné Institute Director David Belle reports from Port-au-Prince: http://bit.ly/4GSGtd || Truth shared - no 'spin' needed
RT @TheNewsBlotter: RT @LambiFund: See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from #Jacmel, Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly ...
RT @LambiFund: See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from Jacmel, Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly/6yToNO
RT @LambiFund: See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from Jacmel, Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly/6yToNO
RT @LambiFund: See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from Jacmel, Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly/6yToNO
RT @MissionMANNA: RT @LambiFund: See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from Jacmel, #Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly/6 ...
RT @LambiFund: See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from Jacmel, #Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly/6yToNO
See @CineInstitute 's on the ground reports from Jacmel, Haiti filmed by Haitian youth http://bit.ly/6yToNO
RT @cineinstitute: New video report by CI Student Olivier Divers: "Force Marie... http://bit.ly/5enFpq
New video report by CI Student Olivier Divers: "Force Marie... http://bit.ly/5enFpq
Ciné Institute Director David Belle reports from Port-au-Prince: http://bit.ly/4GSGtd
Haitians reporting from what was the Ciné Institute in Jacmel. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
and underreporting heroic efforts of Haitians. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @helpingmedia: RT @mediamentor: RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so stories can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see ...
RT @helpingmedia: RT @mediamentor: RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so stories can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see ...
My favorite thing about Haiti (and there are many) is the Cine Institute in Jacmel. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @mediamentor: RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in NY to translate video sent from Haiti. . http://bit.ly/5NpDTm
RT @mediamentor: RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so stories can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see http://ow.ly/WTuu
RT @fromthehip: Check out coverage from Haiti's only film school - the Ciné Institute in Jacmel: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @fromthehip: Check out coverage from Haiti's only film school - the Ciné Institute in Jacmel: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @fromthehip: Check out coverage from Haiti's only film school - the Ciné Institute in Jacmel: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Check out coverage from Haiti's only film school - the Ciné Institute in Jacmel: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@wyclef @andersoncooper JACMEL!!! http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
http://www.cineinstitute.com/news live coverage from Jacmel Haiti by haitian filmmakers
new post on Gamine Expedition: Haitian Youth Document the Earthquake & Aftermath http://gamineexpedition.blogspot.com/ #cineinstitute
Priere - A #Video #Prayer By #Cine Institute (Haiti) #Student Manassena Cesar - Incredible Site - http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@concordianews @cineinstitute in Haiti needs a BGAN INMARSAT to send video feed http://bit.ly/7nvYLI
RT @cineinstitute: URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed for Jacmel! Andrew and students are suffering from slow internet. Can someone... http:// ...
@wyclef @johnhoge #haiti #jacmel lets empower haitians to lead support cineinstitute.com they need a sattelite to get words out
@wyclef @johnhoge jacmel is not forgotten. support cineinstitute.com so they CAN get words out!
those interested in getting help to Jacmel send an e-mail to donate@cineinstitute.com
Cine Institute #Jacmel website: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ - See appeal for a Bgan Inmarsat donation http://bit.ly/4Y39Zi
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
Check out the website and donate anything you can – and give these passionate students hope for their future. http://www.cineinstitute.com
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
CI Student, Rose-Laure Charles, Missing We are so sorry to announce that one of our students "Rose... http://bit.ly/5wTfiy
Ciné Institute student Rose Laure Charles, missing. CI Student, Rose-Laure Charles, Missing ... http://bit.ly/8OYWbx
@witnessorg RT @cineinstitute: A Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://bit.ly/8UntQa
@witnessorg @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so more stories can get out http://ow.ly/Xbao see http://ow.ly/Xbap
@witnessorg AFP Report: #Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute http://ow.ly/Xagi pre #quake #video now uploading aftermath reports
@witnessorg RT @cineinstitute: A #Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://ow.ly/XacQ #Haiti @quake aftermath
@witnessorg Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : Keziah Jean reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
@witnessorg RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute student Fritzner Simeus on the ground in Jacmel. http://bit.ly/5kdo32
@AJEnglish RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so more video can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see http://ow.ly/WTuu
@AJEnglish RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute student Fritzner Simeus on the ground in Jacmel. http://bit.ly/5kdo32
@AJEnglish Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : Keziah Jean reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
@AJEnglish RT @cineinstitute: A #Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://ow.ly/XacQ #Haiti @quake aftermath
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute Student Keziah Jean reports in from Jacmel http://bit.ly/5Yt4qX
@nationalpost AFP Report: #Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute http://ow.ly/Xagi pre #quake #video now uploading aftermath reports
@nationalpost RT @cineinstitute: A #Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://ow.ly/XacQ #Haiti @quake aftermath
@nationalpost Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
@nationalpost RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so more stories can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see http://ow.ly/WTuu
@nationalpost @cineinstitute: A Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://bit.ly/8UntQa
@TIME RT @cineinstitute: A Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://bit.ly/8UntQa
@TIME Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
@mathewi Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
@mathewi RT @cineinstitute: A #Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://ow.ly/XacQ #Haiti @quake aftermath
@helpingmedia RT @cineinstitute: A #Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://ow.ly/XacQ #Haiti @quake aftermath
@helpingmedia Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
@helpingmedia RT @cineinstitute: A Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://bit.ly/8UntQa
@helpingmedia RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute Student Keziah Jean reports in from Jacmel http://bit.ly/5Yt4qX
@helpingmedia RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to translate video sent from Haiti. . http://bit.ly/5NpDTm
@helpingmedia RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so more stories can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see http://ow.ly/WTuu
@jsource RT @cineinstitute: A Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://bit.ly/8UntQa
@jsource RT @cineinstitute: A #Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://ow.ly/XacQ #Haiti @quake aftermath
@jsource Victims In Jacmel #Haiti : Keziah Jean reports from the field (Fr subtitled Eng #Video) #Vimeo http://ow.ly/Xaa7 @cineinstitute
RT @ayitilokal If u have family in Jacmel send names+ their details 2 info@cineinstitute.com and we will attempt 2 get news of them for you.
AFP Report: #Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute http://ow.ly/Xagi pre #quake #video now uploading aftermath reports
film students in Haiti giving the world an inside view of what's happening. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
A Video Prayer from Ciné Institute Student Manassena Cesar http://bit.ly/8UntQa
also, link to their website http://www.cineinstitute.com/ (re last tweet) #haiti
Ciné Institute student Fritzner Simeus on the ground in Jacmel. http://bit.ly/5kdo32
Ciné Institute Student Keziah Jean reports in from Jacmel http://bit.ly/5Yt4qX
Rest assured 100% of your donation goes directly to those in need in Haiti. Donate at http://bit.ly/70hZzC; CINEINSTITUTE.com for updates.
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
film : NEWS... - http://bit.ly/cnyzM - cineinstitute.com via thisnewz.com
RT @michelangequay: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/2010/01/16/urgent-need-for-bgan-inmarsat-in-jacmel/
fundraising to help the students in haiti: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ who are doing their best to film what's going on down.
@SupSappel RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to translate footage http://bit.ly/5NpDTm
Young Haitians film students in the coastal city of Jacmel provide report from the frontlines. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@cineinstitute Request distributed to best of my ability... info sent to your e-mail best of luck to all
RT @cineinstitute: #Haiti URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed so more stories and media can get out http://ow.ly/X4H4 see http://ow.ly/WTuu
@haitifeed can you relay msg to cineinstitute crew to contact http://bit.ly/2JIhaR for satellite assistance
RT @mediamentor: RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to translate footage sent from Jacmel, Haiti. . htt ...
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to translate footage sent from Jacmel, Haiti. . http://bit.ly/5NpDTm
URGENT: Bgan Inmarsat needed for Jacmel! Andrew and students are suffering from slow internet. Can someone... http://bit.ly/7nvYLI
NEWS: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ Haitian Filmmakers Working Their Way Thru This Crisis
RT @cineinstitute: Some more pictures of Jacmel are here... So much destruction. http://bit.ly/5Vc42c
Filmstudenten aus Haiti berichten mit ihren Filmen http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ #fb
RT @cineinstitute: Some more pictures of Jacmel are here... So much destruction. http://bit.ly/5Vc42c
RT @cineinstitute: More Pictures from Jacmel - http://bit.ly/5JNiaZ
Film students in Haiti dug their cameras out of the rubble and are reporting on the catastrophe that surrounds them www.cineinstitute.com/
@cineinstitute are you online now - I just sent you a message through AOL I am in Kentucky I want to know how I can help
@cineinstitute what is your Facebook address so I can follow you - I am in Kentucky
Some more pictures of Jacmel are here... So much destruction. http://bit.ly/5Vc42c
film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ <@zefrank
More Pictures from Jacmel - http://bit.ly/5JNiaZ
FROM THE RURAL HAITI PROJECT "No aid that has been organized for Jacmel…yet, and it is not sure if central... http://bit.ly/7FKUpc
@hermanos @douglaswolk All signs point to yes - http://www.cineinstitute.com/programs/our-teachers-annie.php/
Haitian film students shooting & posting video of the earthquake to their school site: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
News from Cine Institute http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Filmmaker friends could donate to Cine Institute. Its students are shooting on Haiti's streets: http://www.cineinstitute.com/get-involved/
School in Ruins, Haitian Filmmakers Get to Work http://tinyurl.com/yey28m6 (via @cineinstitute) Please read and RT!
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
Amazing coverage of Haitian earthquake story - by local teens who had done a video workshop! http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: Urgent Appeal For Medical Help from our friends with Vital Voices In Jacmel! http://bit.ly/6RYGlX
@mjlevitt Not sure of your needs for cineinstitute.com, but DM me. Happy to help!
Urgent Appeal For Medical Help from our friends with Vital Voices In Jacmel! http://bit.ly/6RYGlX
#Urbana09 Art, Evangelism & HAITI - Young Haitian Filmmakers need help rebuilding studio!!! See details - http://www.cineinstitute.com/news
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute on AOL news right now! http://bit.ly/5dfBYj
Ciné Institute on AOL news right now! http://bit.ly/5dfBYj
Ciné Institute on http://bit.ly/8nEqJe
Ciné Institute film students ongoing reporting from Jacmel, Haiti: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to help translate footage being sent from Jacmel, Haiti. Please... h ...
@ebertchicago My friend Melissa wrote a great article abt that school. Here to read: http://cineinstitute.com/pdfs/CI-filmmaker-article.pdf
Please support Haitian Filmmakers, They're school was destroyed http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
Film students in haiti document the aftermath. http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
Ciné Institute Footage LIVE on CNN right now!! http://bit.ly/8umxuc
the filmschool in Haiti has a blog http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
CineInstitute sent CNN footage of the damage in Jacmel... Finally! Maybe they will get the help they need.
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
RT @zefrank: film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.co ...
film students in haiti document the aftermath :: http://bit.ly/8k8AMo :: school website here :: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to help translate footage being sent from Jacmel, Haiti. Please... h ...
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to help translate footage being sent from Jacmel, Haiti. Please... h ...
Here is the direct link to the film school in Haiti: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
here's eyewitness news from Jacmel: http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute students getting word out about Jacmel! http://bit.ly/4HwLIg
#Haiti's only film school @cineinstitute capture images of destruction & recovery http://ow.ly/WTEu http://ow.ly/WTKO http://ow.ly/WTKQ
RT @cineinstitute: Ciné Institute students getting word out about Jacmel! http://bit.ly/4HwLIg
#Haiti youth of Ciné Institute http://ow.ly/WTuu post #quake aftermath #video http://ow.ly/WTvP Twitter http://ow.ly/WTqD @cineinstitute
Ciné Institute students getting word out about Jacmel! http://bit.ly/4HwLIg
Eyewitness video fr Ciné Institute student, Jacmel Haiti. NYC Creole translators email alana@cineinstitute.com to help. http://bit.ly/5REmfi
From Andrew in Jacmel: "I hear moto taxis can traverse to Jacmel from PAP" http://bit.ly/8k6AhM
kb/ Re: Q's 1st story: if you're interested in seeing the footage of the Haitian film students, check out www.cineinstitute.com
Just joined cinéinstitute on twitter...drinking coffee and being inspired by - and wish I could help more -- those in dire straits far away
Thx RT @m_holloway: CineInstitute Port-au-Prince #Haiti. Students are posting new content ---> http://bit.ly/6plZiP via @cbc/toronto/Q
CineInstitute Port-au-Prince #Haiti. Students are posting new content ---> http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/ via @cbc/toronto/Q
CineInstitute Port-au-Prince #Haiti. Students dug cameras out of the rubble, are posting new content ---> http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
CineInstitute Port-au-Prince Haiti. Students dug cameras out of the rubble, are posting new content ---> http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
info@cineinstitute.com for info on Jacmel area people. the students are doing there best to document.
Inte bara Port-au-Prince. Omvärlden får inte missa att hjälpa människorna i Jacmel, på sydkusten! http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
RT @mjlevitt: FB friend (use me as point of contact): need web producer w/ PHP chops to get news from Jacmel #Haiti on cineinstitute.com
@RAMhaiti @@haket60 Cine Institute has eyes on the ground in Jacmel. Send questions to info@cineinstitute.com
RT @mjlevitt: FB friend (use me as point of contact): need web producer w/ PHP chops to get news from Jacmel #Haiti on cineinstitute.com
@djrupture???? @cineinstitute: we needs Creole speakers in New York to help translate footage being sent from Jacmel, Haiti. Please...
Ciné Institute needs Creole speakers in New York to help translate footage being sent from Jacmel, Haiti. Please... http://bit.ly/5NpDTm
@ramhaiti Here are a few pictures from Jacmel, maybe more will be added: http://www.cineinstitute.com/about-us/photos/
Donate: http://bit.ly/8YvDUy or if you have family in Jacmel send names & details to info@cineinstitute.com & they'll try to get news for u
RT @jomc: Annie Nocenti on CBC radio (show Q) 10am tomorrow talking about the destruction of @cineinstitute in Jakmel, Haiti: http://www ...
RT @mjlevitt: FB friend (use me as point of contact): need web producer w/ PHP chops to get news from Jacmel #Haiti on cineinstitute.com
FB friend (use me as point of contact): need web producer w/ PHP chops to get news from Jacmel #Haiti on cineinstitute.com
@yatalley @tbijou @santiagorueda @cineinstitute @RAMhaiti Got my answer... http://www.wggb.com/global/story.asp?s=11817956
Hi everybody, Alana, a friend of mine working at http://www.cineinstitute.com/ [which is a local school that... http://ff.im/ejrv8
@yatalley @tbijou @santiagorueda @cineinstitute @RAMhaiti any news of Mambo Racine sans Bout or the Roots Without End society in Jacmel?
RICHIESTA DI AIUTO PER HAITI: Alana mia amica di www.cineinstitute.com scrive: URGENT!!! PHP programmer needed to be... http://ff.im/ejpUO
JACMEL If you have family in Jacmel send names and their details to info@cineinstitute.com and we will attempt to get news of them for you.
RT @LaineyGossip: An update from Cine Institute in Jacmel, Haiti http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
JACMEL If you have family in Jacmel send names and their details to info@cineinstitute.com and we will attempt to get news of them for you.
RT @jomc Annie Nocenti on CBC radio @ 10am tomorrow talking about destruction of @cineinstitute in Jakmel, Haiti: http://www.cbc.ca/radio
Annie Nocenti on CBC radio (show Q) 10am tomorrow talking about the destruction of @cineinstitute in Jakmel, Haiti: http://www.cbc.ca/radio
RT @LaineyGossip: An update from Cine Institute in Jacmel, Haiti http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
An update from Cine Institute in Jacmel, Haiti http://www.cineinstitute.com/news/
@cineinstitute Im also looking for info on the FOSAJ. If you hear anything or have images/ video of the center please share.
Cineinstitute in Jacmel (across the street from FOSAJ) suffers damages, but students okay. Photos here. http://bit.ly/8zidQa
Ciné Institute sustained massive damages. Our theater has collapsed and the school is very badly damaged. Students... http://bit.ly/55BKiw
I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album "Earthquake Damage in Jacmel" http://bit.ly/8fD4W3
Cine Institute in #Haiti destroyed in quake. http://www.cineinstitute.com/ Center gave film education and training for young Haitians.
Jacmel very badly hit. Massive damages. Students and staff ok. http://bit.ly/4I4Vwb
@cineinstitute : thanks, i was a bit worried! good luck tomorrow!" this is from ecp in mtl. wrong tw user. sorry.
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