5081 Finlayson
John Lodge has been decorating the spruce trees on his front lawn for more than 12 years. His wife Jan is responsible for the raindeer. The trees are so large now that John had buy more lights and use a ladder to put them on the trees.
Photo by George Lessard
November 27 2007
To call your attention to interesting photography related on the web... and to show off some of my photographic work... is there another reason for a blog?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Lights of the Week 2007 #2 DSC_4116_V2
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Photo illustration in NWT News of 111207
November 12 2007 issue of News North NWT... an illustration showing a large barge not fitting under the proposed bridge across the Mackenzie River for my employer nnsl.com
On the front page of the Yellowknifer..
3912 Ragged Ass Road, the home of Trevor and Joanne Teed. The Teeds have been in Yellowknife two years. Trevor, Joeanne and their son D'arcy have spent over 90 hours so far this season installing over five thousand lights with the help of Noel Michel of Lutsel Ke and their neighbour Mark Rocher's bucket truck to get the lights into the trees. Trevor says he's only about halfway through his lighting plan and is trying to inspire his neighbours to follow his lead and light up Ragged Ass Road with Christmas colours.
November 20, 2007
NNSL photo/ George Lessard
3912 Ragged Ass Road, the home of Trevor and Joanne Teed. The Teeds have been in Yellowknife two years. Trevor, Joeanne and their son D'arcy have spent over 90 hours so far this season installing over five thousand lights with the help of Noel Michel of Lutsel Ke and their neighbour Mark Rocher's bucket truck to get the lights into the trees. Trevor says he's only about halfway through his lighting plan and is trying to inspire his neighbours to follow his lead and light up Ragged Ass Road with Christmas colours.
November 20, 2007
NNSL photo/ George Lessard
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Emrah Bulatci accused muderer of RCMP Christopher John Worden

Emrah Bulatci accused muderer of RCMP Christopher John Worden, originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.
The httpp://nnsl.com web page showing the photograph I took on October 18th of Emrah Bulatci.
"... Emrah Bulatci, the man accused of killing RCMP Const. Christopher John Worden is escorted into the Yellowknife court house this morning. Bulatci faces one charge of first degree murder in the shooting death that took place during the early morning hours of October 6th in Hay River - George Lessard/NNSL photo ..."
Emrah Bulatci accused muderer of RCMP Christopher John Worden

Emrah Bulatci accused muderer of RCMP Christopher John Worden, originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.
The nnsl.com front page showing the photograph I took on October 18th of Emrah Bulatci.
"... Emrah Bulatci, the man accused of killing RCMP Const. Christopher John Worden is escorted into the Yellowknife court house this morning. Bulatci faces one charge of first degree murder in the shooting death that took place during the early morning hours of October 6th in Hay River - George Lessard/NNSL photo ..."