A Yellowknife artist dealing with blindness during COVID-19 ...
Emily Lawson's "The Hanging on the Fence" promo
Works displayed at a May 16, 2021 backyard, COVID safe hanging in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
MediaMentor's Photo Blog
To call your attention to interesting photography related on the web... and to show off some of my photographic work... is there another reason for a blog?
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Emily Lawson's "The Hanging on the Fence" promo A Yellowknife artist dealing with blindness during COVID-19 ...
Thursday, September 23, 2021
"Future so bright … " by Emily Lawson, Fabric Artist
Future so bright, I gotta wear sunglasses." by Emily Lawson, Fabric Artist
Video by @mediamentor
Friday, January 04, 2019
The Pinehouse Photography Club
The Pinehouse Photography Club "... Nothing is worse then seeing people, youth in particular, sad, depressed, and living a life of addictions, and not being able to help them. And this affects people all over the world! As a community and as a country, we need to do more for our youth to prevent these problems and not just providing a bandaide solution. As a primary care nurse, this is very fustrating when seeing the people you have grown to know and care for, suffer :( I ask myself all the time, "how can I help? What can I do? How can I make things better?" Personal pain and experience with photogoraphy taught me a lot! ..."
"... Residents of Saskatchewan's Northern Village of Pinehouse are using photography to heal from trauma - The Pinehouse Photography Club is helping residents in northern Saskatchewan capture a beautiful perspective on life. VIDEO TIME 9:51 Posted: Dec 15, 2018 ..."
See also ... thanks to ....
@DreErwinPhoto @DreErwinPhoto
On the web
Thursday, May 03, 2018
Dave Bidini "Midnight Light: A Personal Journey to the North" book cover photo by George Lessard
https://www.flickr.com/photos/george-lessard/40975501585/in/dateposted-public/ https://flic.kr/p/25qSa4g
Penguin, Random House Canada Limited,
Dave Bidini

Sunday, April 22, 2018
#Flickr #acquired by #SmugMug
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
森林浴 Shinrinyoku Lac Pilon Mt Rolland Quebec
"... "Shinrinyoku" (Japanese for "forest bathing") is to go deep into the woods where everything is silent and peaceful for a relaxation...."
Still captures
Friday, June 12, 2015
Portraits of the Disappearing Tribes of the World
"...One of the great portrait projects of our time....
http://petapixel.com/2015/06/12/portraits-of-the-disappearing-tribes-of-the-world/ Last month we shared a fantastic TED Talk https://youtu.be/OWq7ToR2U8Q that Nelson gave about this project, titled Before They Pass Away. http://www.beforethey.com/ Today we’ll take a closer look at the photographs...."