Lightroom 3 vs Aperture 3
Adobe or Apple? If you're a photographer who uses a Mac for RAW workflow, which should you choose? Find out in our Lightroom 3 and Aperture 3 comparison...
Photoshop may have just struck its 20th birthday, but in many ways it's less relevant to photographers than ever before. Not because it lacks power, features, or performance, but because photographers are now spoilt for choice by the two best workflow applications on the market. Aperture 3 arrived just over two weeks ago, while Lightroom 2 has been keeping pros happy for just under two years. Lightroom 3 is due to arrive before summer.Aperture has made profound improvements when you get into the nitty gritty of editing images
Lightroom 3 might not be out yet - but you can get it for free, courtesy of Adobe's beta program at It's effectively a full piece of software already – in our experience it's fast, stable, and offers a few decent new features over the current version of Lightroom 2.
But if you're a Mac user you're presented with a dilemma – Aperture 3 offers a raft of new features and, if Adobe's previous pricing is an indication you can expect to spend around £40 more on Lightroom. Should you splash out on Aperture 3 now or wait for Lightroom 3 to arrive later this year?

Information, Communications and Media Specialist
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451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
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El Alto to Lake Titicaca Bolivia Photo Book
Chelyabinsk Russian Village Photo Book
Arviat, Nunavut Photo Book
Yellowknife Maps
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Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective

Information, Communications and Media Specialist
Spécialiste en l'information, communications et medias
451 Norseman Dr.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2J1, Canada
Yellowknife Land Line # (867) 873-2662
Yellowknife Cell # (867) 445-9193
My Biography - My panoramic images - Photo Illustrations - Circumpolar Blog
Community Radio Around the World Blog - Photography Blog
El Alto to Lake Titicaca Bolivia Photo Book
Chelyabinsk Russian Village Photo Book
Arviat, Nunavut Photo Book
Yellowknife Maps
Twitter Feed on Northern & First Nations Isuues
Twitter Feed on Journalism & Media Issues
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Artists Representation / le Front des artistes canadiennes
Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective
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